Monday, October 1, 2018

Just Pull Over Already!!!

Get out of my way! 

I have a million things to do, I don't have time for.....
I get it. I do. Just trying to get this thing done so I can move on to the next thing that needs done. There is always gonna be another thing to do. Grinding. Hustling. ETC! I'll tell you this. Most the time the truth is, I need to get out of my own way. 

I allow myself to be bothered with little problems. I get bogged down by the little stuff of life. When I'm focused on the tiny insignificant things it makes it impossible to do the meaningful stuff. The stuff that will bring positive change to myself and those in my life. "life  happens" "something came up". PFFT. yeah my excuses! That's what came up. 

It's actually easier to handle the junk. If I handle the easy junk then I don't have to make real decisions. I don't have to take risks. I don't have to take the next step. I can put off the things that I might fail at. I can stay in my comfort zone and never put myself out there. 

That's not me though. That's not who I am. I am someone different now. I step out there for positive change. I flea my comfort zone like its on fire. I take risks for the greater good. I can learn from any situation, which means I can never fail. Only grow. I am free to be who I am supposed to be. In community. 

We can do great things. We can reach new heights. Experience something different something amazing.  "Only those people"  "I'm not like them". Maybe not. You can be though if you just get out of your own way. 

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